Reduce material desires may not bring peace, for peace, we must also reduce the spiritual desire.
Give them the task of protecting world peace, I am a layman, only interested in money evil.
Peace is not to despair, never give up the peace; Sacrifice to the last minute, nor sacrifice speaking out of turn.
Freedom is the biggest lie in life, if you accept this, your heart, you can get peace.
Peace as opposed to war, it has a lag. Peace is a continuation of the war, the war is the means of peace.
You want to remember, and all the guarding city peace cannot hope to help you, you also need to have more understand the prince of peace.
Peace is won in the war, the victory of the war of liberation by force, force is used to protect and destroy the peace.
May be the world is too cruel, or, perhaps, is too long for peace, we love the people died in the pursuit of the road of peace.
In this world, there are always some peace is playing out, and there are always some is about peace. It was kind of like in business.
In this era of peace, "the maintenance of world peace" seem in people drown in the joking voice, man's heart sank at the moment.