41、The only real valuable thing is intuition。 The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery。 真正有价值的是直觉。在探索的道路上智力无甚用处。
42、Two things inspire me to awe: the starry heavens and the moral universe within。 两件事情让我敬畏:布满星星的天空和隐藏在其中的人的精神世界。
43、Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results。 精神错乱:一遍又一遍地重复同一件事而期待不同的结果。
44、Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school。 教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之後剩下的东西。
45、I think that only daring speculation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts。我认为只有大胆的臆测,而不是事实的积累,才能引领我们往前迈进。
46、It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity。有一个现象的明显程度已经让我毛骨悚然,这便是我们的人性已经远远落后我们的科学技术了。
47、Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe。宇宙中唯有两件事物是无限的:宇宙的大小与人的愚蠢。我不能确定的是宇宙的大小。
48、I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones。我无法知道第三次世界大战会有什么武器登场,但第四次世界大战中人们肯定用的是木棍和石块。
49、If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z。 Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut。如果A代表一个人的成功,那么A等于x加y加z。勤奋工作是x;y是娱乐,而z是把嘴闭上。
50、Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population。 法律本身并不能保证言论自由;要做到这一点必须使整个人群中都弥漫着容忍的勇气。
51、Innovation is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure。 创新不是由逻辑思维带来的,尽管最後的成果需要一个符合逻辑的结构。
52、Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population。法律本身并不能保证言论自由;要做到这一点,必需要所有的人都有着包容的心。
53、Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour。 Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute。 That's relativity。 把你的手放在滚热的炉子上一分钟,感觉起来像一小时。坐在一个漂亮姑娘身边整整一小时,感觉起来像一分钟。这就是相对论。
54、Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent。 It takes a touch of genius— and a lot of courage— to move in the opposite direction。任何一个有智力的笨蛋都可以把事情搞得更大,更复杂,也更激烈。往相反的方向前进则需要天份,以及很大的勇气。
55、The physicists say that I am a mathematician, and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist。 I am a completely isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really know me。 物理学家们说我是数学家,数学家们又把我归为物理工作者。我是一个完全孤立的人,虽然所有人都认识我,却没有多少人真正了解我。
56、If my theory of relativity is proven correct, Germany will claim me as a German and France will say I am a man of the world。 If it's proven wrong, France will say I am a German and Germany will say I am a Jew。 如果我的相对论被证明是正确的,德国人就会说我是德国人,法国佬会说我是一个世界公民。如果我的相对论被否定了,法国佬就会骂我德国鬼子而德国人就会把我归为犹太人。