

1、不怕学不会,只怕不肯钻。Not afraid, not afraid to drill。

2、时间是脑力劳动者的资本。Time is the capital of the brain。

3、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。Is a good training, a hard one before。

4、汗水换来丰收,勤学取得知识。Sweat harvest, hard to get knowledge。

5、天才无非是长久的忍耐,努力吧!Genius is nothing but a long endurance!

6、早起多长一智,晚睡多增一闻。An early night more than a smell of wisdom。

7、平时不好学,临考悔已迟。Usually not easy to learn, too late to regret the exam。

8、灵感是从来不拜访懒汉的。Inspiration is never called on the sluggard。


9、书籍是横渡时间大海的航船。The book is the ship crossing the sea of time。

10、不怕学不成,只怕心不诚。Not afraid, afraid of heart is not sincere。

11、只要是有益的话,小孩的话也要听。As long as it is good, the child will listen to it。

12、忘记今天的人将被明天忘记。Forget today's people will be forgotten tomorrow。

13、黑发不如勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。Black as time, white square regret later reading。

14、你若需要时间,还得自己把他造出来。If you need time, you have to make it yourself。

15、好学而不勤问非真好学者。Good learning and not often asked not to really good scholar。

16、刻苦学习的人总能实现自己的愿望。People who study hard can always achieve their wishes。


17、少年不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。Boy no time, white square regret later reading。

18、学成巧,总是巧;装成巧,惹人笑。They always pretend to be clever, clever; smart, funny。

19、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。Don't knock the clock not singing, people do not learn。

20、文学之知识乃是学问之门禁。Knowledge of literature is the access control of learning。

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