1、不,我是中国人。No, I am a Chinese。
2、若想死后不朽,必须得活得精彩。To immortality after death, we must have to live better。
3、人最大的无知是不了解自己。Man's greatest ignorance is not know yourself。
4、欲得其中,须取其上,欲得其上,必取上上!To them, must take its on, work hard on it, he will take up!
5、以无限为有限,以无法为有法。With infinite as a limited to its application as。
6、保持空灵之心,无形,无法,就像水一样。Keep the heart of the empty spirit, invisible, can't, just like water。
7、敌不动我不动;敌欲动我先动。The enemy don't move I don't move; The enemy to move me first。
8、我宁愿饿死,也不会将自己贱卖!I would rather starve to death, also will not sell itself!
9、天下武学,无坚不摧,唯快不破。Martial arts all over the world, are invincible, only fast not broken。
10、清空你的杯子,方能再行注满,空无以求全。Empty your cup, will again fill, empty beyond perfection。
11、我无法教你,只能帮助你研究你自己。没有什么特别的。I can't teach you, yourself can only help you study。 Nothing special。
12、以无法为有法,以无限为有限,是为武术最高境界!Application as, infinite as co。, LTD。, is a martial arts highest state!
13、如果你花费过多时间思考一件事,你永远也无法将它完成。If you spend too much time to think about one thing, you will never finish it。
14、一个人如何不可能以部分的、零碎不全的形式来反应整体。How a person can't be in the form of all parts, spare not to reflect the overall。
15、我绝不会说我是天下第一,可是我也绝不会承认我是第二。I never said I was the day the first one, but I would never admit that I'm the second。
16、我之所以选读哲学,是因为哲学会告诉你为什么而活着。I was selected readings in philosophy because philosophy will tell you why and alive。
17、光是知道是不够的,必须加以运用;光是希望是不够的,非去做不可。It's not enough to be know, must be used; Hope alone are not enough, you must have to do。
18、让你的思维如水一般没有束缚,招式变幻的伟大可以在水中得到启迪。Let your mind like water without bondage, forms the changing great can get enlightenment in the water。
19、一旦能完全自由的表达你自己,你将是无形的形,又适于所有的形。Once fully free to express yourself, you will be invisible form, and is suitable for all of the form。
20、拳道并非(仅仅是一种)伤残之法,而系一大道,一种朝向生命真谛追寻的坦荡大道。Kune do not (a) is only of disability, and is a road, a broad avenue toward the life true meaning to pursue。