61、一个人受到感情的伤害,原本是可以慢慢淡忘的,但如果心里一直念念不忘,就会使其所受的伤害,永远难以痊愈。A person from being hurt by the feelings, the original can be slowly forgotten, but if the heart has been not forget for a moment, can you make it hurts, always difficult to heal。
62、轻率的玩弄恋爱正如玩火一样,随时有自焚的危险。如果说恋爱是甜美的酒浆,但随便乱喝,也会变成烈性的毒汁。Imprudent to play with love like playing with fire, fire danger at any time。 JiuJiang if love is sweet, but drink at random, will also become a potent poison。
63、女人如果不性感,就要感性;如果没有感性,就要理性;如果没有理性,就要有自知之明;如果连这个都没有了,她只有不幸。If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; If she is not emotional, needs reason; If there is no reason, to one's self; If even this all have no, she only misfortune。
64、爱情不是花荫下的甜言,不是桃花源中的密语,不是轻绵的眼泪,更不是死硬的强迫,爱情是建立在共同的基础上的。Love is not a HuaYin of sweetness, not the peach blossoms in the secret language, not light cotton tears, more is not hardcore forced, love is built on the basis of common。
65、生活其实真的很平凡,任何人都不能得到所要的全部,有得必有失,只是在得失的选择中,拥有你自己最珍贵的东西。Life is really very ordinary, no one can get to all that, you will lose is the choice of the gain and loss, have the most precious thing you own。
66、任何时候鲜花都是甜蜜爱情表白,如果节日你没有任何准备,那也一定要送花,一朵红玫瑰也能滋润我们的爱情!Flowers are sweet love at any time, if you don't have any preparation for the festival that also must send a flower, a red rose can nourish our love!
67、其实在爱情问题上,男人比女人更清醒,他们会把感情问题放在合理的位置,而女人很容易把感情当成生活的全部。Actually in love, men than women more conscious, they will put the emotional problem in a reasonable position, and is easy to put the feelings as a woman full of life。
68、男人违章停车被罚款会和交警吵一架,女人在一边劝;女人违章停车被罚款会和身边的男人吵一架,交警在一边劝。Men parking will be fined and the traffic police a quarrel, a woman in the side exhort。 Women parking will be fined and a men quarrel, traffic police advised in the side。
69、为什么要那么痛苦地忘记一个人,时间自然会使你忘记。如果时间不可以让你忘记不应该记住的人,我们失去的岁月又有甚么意义?Why then pain to forget a person, will naturally make you forget time。 If time can not let you forget not should remember, we lost years and what meaning?
70、有一种默契叫做心照不宣;有一种感觉叫做妙不可言;有一种幸福叫做有你相伴;有一种思念叫做望眼欲穿。There is a tacit understanding is called tacit; There is a feeling called wonderful; Have a kind of happiness is called have your companions; There is a miss is called dream。
71、女人对男人说“我知道自己其实不漂亮”时,男人绝对不要表示同意;男人对女人说“我其实很失败”时,女人绝对要表示反对。The woman said to the man, "I know I'm really not beautiful" men never agreed; Man said to the woman "I actually very failure", the woman absolutely must be opposed。
72、爱一个人最重要的也许不是山盟海誓和甜言蜜语,生活中的一些琐事,更能体现他对你的用情,那才是爱的密码。Love a person is the most important may not pledge of eternal love and sweet words, some trivial things in life, more can reflect his with love for you, that's what love password。
73、男人就像桃子,女人就像是鸡蛋,男人外表很软,里面很硬,要慢吃慢咬;女人外壳很硬,里面很软要轻拿轻放。Men are like peach, a woman is like eggs, man looks very soft, it is very hard, want to eat slow slow bite; Woman shell very hard, very soft inside to should take put down gently。
74、很小的一件事就会吓坏爱情,很小的一件事情也会使爱情欢愉起来。对爱情来说,任何事情都有意义,任何事情都可以构成吉光或者凶光。Small thing will scare love, small a thing also can make love be delighted。 For love, anything is meaningful, everything can constitute gissing or yoshimitsu。
75、爱一个人,对方也爱你,甜的居多;爱一个人,对方不知道,酸的居多;爱一个人,对方不爱你,苦的居多。Love a person, each other love you, sweet in the majority; Love a person, the other party don't know, acid is in the majority; Love a person, the other party does not love you, more bitter。
76、恋爱中的女人要求她的情人是英雄、巨人,一个半神的人,又要求自己不全属于他,所以只有完全占有了他,她才会快乐。Women in love asked her lover is a hero, a giant, one and a half the people of god, and asked for his not all belong to him, so only entirely captured him, she will be happy。
77、不要因为寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果你是个多情的人,即使不爱对方,到时候也会产生感情,到最后你怎么办?Don't because of loneliness to love, time is a devil, over time, if you are a passionate person, even if not love each other, and also can produce feelings, in the end what would you do?
78、爱会改变一个人,也会毁了一个人,所以爱情要慎重,爱情不是儿戏,如果爱情来了之后就应好好把握好好珍惜,不要等失去了才让自己后悔。Love can change a person, also can ruin a person, so be careful love, love is not a matter, if love comes after should cherish cherish, don't wait to lose just let oneself regret。
79、我觉得我的爱情是可以超过一切的,当一个女人真正的爱一个男人的时候就什么都不在乎。可以用生命去守护,不管任何物质精神,不管谁的阻拦。I feel that my love can be more than all, when a woman really love a man when they don't care about anything。 Can be used to protect life, regardless of any material, no matter who stop。
80、有人说恋爱要找自己喜欢的人,结婚要找喜欢自己的人,都是片面的。恋人不喜欢自己有什么可恋的?老婆自己不喜欢怎么过一辈子?Some people say that love will find yourself of the person you like, get married to find a love themselves, is one-sided。 Lovers don't like yourself what love is? How do you you don't like honey for a lifetime?