

61、垂头丧气!我绝对不会!我必须反击,让命运这个猖狂的家伙低下头来!Depressed! I absolutely not! I have to fight back, let fate this rampant guy down!

62、君主不应以统治为目的,而应传播道德,教化和福泽。Monarch should not be for the purpose of rule, and should be spread moral indoctrination and blessings。

63、所有的自负都会被轻易地识破,都会被看作自卑心理的表现形式。All conceit can be easily see through, is seen as a form of inferiority mentality。

64、一个人是否谦逊,取决于他对自己的认识与自我努力相结合的程度。A person is humble, depends on his understanding of their combined with self effort。


65、信心能战胜人生道路上所有的障碍,也许连死亡它都不会放在眼里!Faith can overcome all obstacles on the road in life, maybe even death it in your eyes!

66、事前考虑清楚,可是一旦到了该行动的时候,就要毫不犹豫,放手一搏。Consider to be clear about, but once it is time to move, will not hesitate, grind。

67、勇士们!打掉北极熊的嚣张气焰,让它在法兰西的刺刀下瑟瑟发抖吧!Warriors! Abort embolden the polar bear and let it shivered under the bayonet in France!

68、聪明的人谈现在,愚蠢的人谈过去,傻子才谈未来。Intelligent people talk about now, stupid people talk about the past, a fool to talk about the future。

69、一旦确定了目标,就应尽一切可能努力培养达成目标的充分自信。Once established goals, we should be doing everything we can to achieve full confidence。

70、我坚信,在历史发展的进程中,民主制必将取代君主制。I firmly believe that in the process of historical development, democracy will replace the monarchy。

71、我不知道有什么极限,只想往一个世界帝国,世界要求我来统治它。I don't know what is the limit, just want to a world empire, the world has asked me to rule it。

72、我的愿望不会枯萎,我要靠自己的力量和勇气让世界为之震栗!My wish will not wither, I want to rely on their own strength and courage to let the world to chestnut!


73、世界会证明你的付出没有白费,在未来的某一天,它会全部回报给你!The world would prove your efforts were not in vain, in the future one day, it will all return to you!

74、积极的心态来源于积极的思维,而积极的思维又是积极行动的结果。Positive attitude from the positive thinking, and positive thinking is the result of positive action。

75、金钱没有祖国,金融家不知何为爱国和高尚,他们唯一的目的就是获利。Money no homeland, financiers don't know what is a patriotic and noble, their only purpose is profit。

76、优秀的推销员都具有一个明确的观念:认为自己和所贩卖的商品皆为“卓越的物品”。Good salesman has a clear concept: think themselves and selling of goods are "excellent goods"。

77、世界上最广阔的是海洋,比海洋更广阔的是天空,比天空更广阔的是人的胸怀。The world's most broad is sea, wider than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky, is the person's mind。

78、我不能以一个被侮辱者的姿态出现在我的人民面前。我必须仍然是伟大的,光荣的!I can't with the attitude of a insulted man appeared in front of my people。 I must is still a great, glorious!

79、每当你与别人分享幸福之际,即等于将幸福借给对方,而所借出的东西必能归还。When you share happiness with others, that is equal to happiness to each other, and what you lend out will return。

80、生命的意义,不仅在于不断实现人生的目标,还在于不断提升人生的目标。The meaning of life, not only to achieve the goal of life, is also constantly promote the goal of life。


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