1、自信是成功的第一秘诀。Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success。
2、恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。The gas of magnificent person, not little。
3、人有了坚定的信念才是不可战胜的。People have faith is invincible。
4、信念!有信念的人经得起任何风暴。Faith! Have faith can withstand any storm。
5、去做你害怕的事,害怕自然就会消逝。To do the thing you fear, the fear will die。
6、无论如何,“流言”总不能吓哑我的。In any case, "gossip" can't frighten dumb to me。
7、自信是向成功迈出的第一步。Confidence in yourself is to take the first step to success。
8、人多不足以依赖,要生存只有靠自己。More people to rely on, to survive only on your own。
9、有必胜信念的人才能成为战场上的胜利者。Triumphalism talent can be winner on the battlefield。
10、先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you。
11、地球上的任何一点离太阳都同样地遥远。Any point on earth are equally distant from the sun。
12、吾无过人者,但生平行为,无不可对人言耳。I without anybody, but the life behavior, not for human speech。
13、我们应该有恒心,尤其要有自信心。We should have the perseverance, especially must have the self-confidence。
14、自立自重,不可跟人脚迹,学人言语。Stand on its own weight, not with anyone footstep, economist's words。
15、坚决的信心,能使平凡的人们,做出惊人的事业。Firm confidence, can make the ordinary people, do amazing career。
16、劳动使人建立起对自己的理智力量的信心。Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power。
17、信念,你拿它没办法,但是没有它你什么也做不成。Faith, you can't with it, but what you can do without it。
18、有信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。Confident person, can be small to great, mediocre to magic。
19、相信就是强大。怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰却是力量。Believe is strong。 Doubt will only inhibition, and belief is power。
20、不管我们踩什么样的高跷,没有自己的脚是不行的。No matter what we step on stilts, does not have its own feet。