21、在这个世界上,除了阳光、空气、水和笑容,我们还需要什么呢!In this world, in addition to sunlight, air, water and smiling face, what we need!
22、在你发怒的时候,要紧闭你的嘴,免得增加你的怒气。When you are angry, want to shut your mouth, lest increase your anger。
23、思想应当诞生在学生的心里,教师仅仅应当像助产士那样办事。Thought should be born in the mind of students, teachers should only act as midwife。
24、未经审视的生活是毫无价值的或:一种未经考察的生活是不值得过的。An unexamined life is not worth or: a kind of life is not worth living without inspection。
25、分手的时候到了,我去死,你们去活,究竟谁过得更幸福,唯有神知道。It's time to break up, I go to dead, you to live, who had more happiness, only god knows。
26、在死亡的门前,我们要思量的不是生命的空虚,而是它的重要性。At death's door, we should consider not the emptiness of life, but its importance。
27、真正高明的人,就是能够借助别人的智慧,来使自己不受蒙蔽的人。Really smart people, is to be able to use other people's wisdom, to make themselves against blind person。
28、一个人能否有成就,只看他是否具备自尊心与自信心两个条件。A person can have achievement, only look at two conditions whether he have self-esteem and self-confidence。
29、逆境是人类获得知识的最高学府,难题是人们取得智慧之门。Adversity is the highest institution of higher learning, human knowledge problem is that people get the door to wisdom。
30、时间到了,我们各走各的路,是活在这个世上好还是死了好,只有神知道答案。We are on our different paths when the time came, is to live in this in this world good or death, only god knows the answer。
31、这个世界上有两种人,一种是快乐的猪,一种是痛苦的人。做痛苦的人,不做快乐的猪。There are two kinds of people in the world, is a kind of happiness of the pig, is a kind of pain。 Do the pain of people, don't do happy pigs。