

1、不要靠馈赠来获得一个朋友。Don't try to win a friend by gift。

2、我像一只猎犬一样追寻真理的足迹。I like a hound to pursue truth。

3、我们的需要越是少,我们越近似神。We need more is less, the more we approximate god。

4、不懂得工作真义的人,视工作为苦役。Don't know the real meaning of work, treat work as slavery。

5、没有人因为知道了善而不向善的。Because no one know the good and not for good。

6、我们的需要是越少,我们越近似上帝。Our need is less, the more we similar to god。

7、问题是接生婆,它能帮助新思想的诞生。Problem is a midwife, it can help the birth of new ideas。

8、你是为了吃饭而生存,还是为了生存而吃饭呢?Are you live to eat, or eat to live?


9、我只知道一件事,那就是什么都不知道。I only know one thing, and that is what all don't know。

10、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal。

11、神灵为自己保留了那对于最为重要的东西的认识。Keep the gods for yourself for the most important thing。

12、每个人身上都有太阳,主要是如何让它发光。Every man has the sun, the main is how to make it shine。

13、教育是把我们的内心勾引出来的工具和方法。Education is our inner seduce out of tools and methods。

14、我比别知道得多的,不过是我知道自己的无知。I don't know much, but I know his own ignorance。

15、爱情犹如麦地里采麦穗,弄不好就会空手而归。Love is like in the wheat grain, lane is bad to can return empty-handed。

16、知足是天赋的财富,奢侈是人为的贫穷。Content is the wealth of talent, luxury is artificial poverty。


17、我不只是雅典的公民,我也是世界的公民。I'm not just the citizens of Athens, I also am the citizen of the world。

18、如果我能忍受了自己的老婆,也就能忍受任何人了!If I can stand his wife, also can tolerate anyone!

19、德行就是知识或美德,即知识愚昧是罪恶之源。Virtue is knowledge, or virtues, namely knowledge ignorance is the source of evil。

20、坏人活着是为了吃与喝,而好人却是为了活着才吃与喝。The bad guys live to eat and drink, and a good man is to live to eat and drink。

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