61、面对命运不妥协,面对困难不退缩,这样才能做自己的英雄。In the face of fate don't compromise, in the face of difficulties don't flinch, such ability to do their own hero。
62、只要不让年轻时美丽的梦想随岁月飘逝,成功总有一天会出现在你的面前。As long as you don't let youth beautiful dreams drift over time, one day there will be a success in front of you。
63、很多时候,成功就是多坚持一分钟,这一分钟不放弃,下一分钟就会有希望。Most of the time, success is to insist on a minute, as much as a minute don't give up, the next minute will have hope。
64、面对困难,许多人带了放大镜,但和困难拼搏一番,你会觉得困难不过如此。In the face of difficulties, many people take a magnifying glass, but and difficult struggle, you will feel difficult。
65、过去的事已经一去不复返。聪明的人是考虑现在和未来,根本无暇去想过去的事。A thing of the past is gone forever。 Smart people are thinking about the present and future, is not to think about a thing of the past。
66、万事提前做好周全的准备,是很有必要的,不然,等到事情发生,你再去应付,可能已来不及了。All the thorough preparation in advance, it is very necessary, otherwise, when things happen, you go to deal with, may already be too late。