21、喇叭花的叶子碧绿碧绿的,稠密得很,远远看去,就像一匹绿布挂在空中。Morning glory leaves luxuriantly green, very dense, distance, like a green cloth hanging in the air。
22、望着色彩艳丽的一大片樱花,我真怀疑是九天仙女把撕碎的彩缎撒向人间。Looking at the colorful a large cherry blossom, I really doubt is nine days fairy put shredded color satin sprinkled on the earth。
23、月季红艳艳的花儿在枝头怒放,颜色是那么浓,那么纯,没有一点杂色,简直像一团燃烧的火焰。Chinese rose red flowers in full bloom in the branches, the color is so strong, so pure, no noise, like a burning flame。
24、粉红的桃花,雪白的梨花,娇艳的海棠花,笔盈盈地竞相怒放。Pink peach blossom, white pear flower, delicate and charming Chinese flowering crab-apple, ying ying to compete to in full bloom。
25、如玉的白玫瑰冰雪纯洁,闪烁着月光般寒冷的色彩玫瑰乱舞,勾勒出你的身形,你的容貌。Jade snow pure white roses, shimmering moonlight bleak color roses flurry, the outline of your body, your appearance。
26、一簇簇鲜艳的花朵,聚集在叶片下,犹如无数只蝴蝶,微微张开翅膀,停在空中,凝然不动。Clusters of bright flowers, gathered together under the blade, like countless butterflies, slightly open wings, parked in the air, my day-dreaming gaze。
27、您瞧那盆水仙花,花盆里的水清亮亮的,叶子绿盈盈的,花儿白丝丝的,恰似凌波仙子在水上漂浮。You see the daffodils, the water in the pot clean bright, green leaves ying ying, white silk flowers, like narcissus beauty floating on the water。
28、花盆里。有一株茂盛的郁金香。绽开的花朵是黑色的。微微四散的花瓣如同黑色的丝绒。散发出阵阵清香。The flowerpot。 A strain of the lush tulips。 Bursting flowers are black。 The scattered petals slightly as the black velvet。 Send out a blast a faint scent。
29、玫瑰花在秋季开花,开时足有手掌那么大。一朵朵含苞欲放的玫瑰花如同娇羞妩媚的少女,笑脸含春,喜迎游人。Rose blooming in the autumn, when open with the palm of your hand。 Yellow rose bud like the charming charming girl, smiling face with spring, welcome visitors。
30、那株紫丁香到了暮春,满树便开出字色的小花,那话并不艳丽,想笔尖大小,绽放开来,却纯净雅洁,犹如一片紫色的迷离的雾。The strain of lilacs in the spring, full of trees then leave word color floret, that is not gorgeous, want to tip size, bloom, but pure and graceful, like a piece of purple mist blurred。