21、This is the best thing that I can do in my life, and this is my best place to rest。这是我一生中最乐意做的事,这里是我最好的安息之所。
22、To extend the time of day, the best way is to steal a couple of hours from the night!要延长白天的时间,最妙的办法莫如从黑夜偷用几个钟头!
23、The founder of the first benefactor, devoid of gratitude in lucky, when receive retribution。对早年的第一个恩人、幸运的缔造者忘恩负义,当获报应。
24、If a person has some kind of quality, he has the ability to appreciate that kind of quality。如果一个人自己具有某种品质,就具备对那种品质的鉴赏力。
25、I have a rule: think of doing one thing, it must be done, and must be done thoroughly。我有个原则:想到要做一件事,就一定要做到,而且要做得彻底。
26、All kinds of fraud in the world, it is not the same thing as those who have cheated themselves。世界上形形色色的骗子,比起自骗自的人来,实在算不上一回事。
27、Charity people have two kinds: one is a man, the other is that people do not light。从事慈善事业的人有两类:一类是光说不做的人,另一类是光做不说的人。
28、You want to love like you never been hurt, you want to dance like no one is watching you。你要爱着就像从来没有被伤害过,你要舞蹈着就像从来没有人在看你。
29、As long as I can, I will not speak the truth, I will not be the only way to answer your trust。只要可能,我不会光讲大道理,我不会光用说教来回答你对我的信任。
30、A true lover may not have cold, aversion, doubt, and fickle half fire half ice mood。一个真正的爱人不可能有冷漠、厌恶、怀疑、薄情以及一半是火一半是冰的心情。
31、Honest people have simple minded people's minds, but also so that the cunning man has a simple mind。老实人有老实人的头脑简单之处,狡猾人也照样有狡猾人的头脑简单之处。
32、In this book of life, most people will find a simple lesson from the over - hearted nature。在人生这本书里,多数的人们都会从过分善良的天性里找到简单的教训。
33、Natural men are mutual sympathy。, within the four seas great men are also Freemasonry。天然尊贵的人彼此都是痛痒相关的,四海之内真正伟大的人物也都是惺惺相惜的。
34、Forgiveness is a noble quality, a noble virtue, is not you can control, can be left or right。宽恕是一种高贵的品质,一种崇高的美德,绝不是你所能控制、所能左右的。
35、To deal with the trauma of the body with a tender means, with a gentle attitude to comfort the spirit of the people。用温柔的手段来处理人家肉体上的创伤,用温柔的态度来安慰人家精神上的痛苦。
36、My father made a sin, often report on the child, and the virtues of the mothers, will be reported in children。父亲造了孽,往往会报到孩子身上,而母亲积了德,也会报在孩子身上。
37、Do not worry about the trouble, lest the white boy head, do not worry about the trouble, so that the old man did not die。莫把烦恼放心上,免得白了少年头,莫把烦恼放心上,免得未老先丧生。
38、You can't just look at the surface to be authentic, There is abundant evidence。 Weirenchushi, this is the head of a golden laws and precious rules。凡事不能只看表面,要有凭有据才能作准。为人处世,这是头一条金科玉律。