To dance, as if nobody was watching; love, like never been hurt; sing, like no one listen to; live, and make the world a paradise.
These ladies as if a large flowers, colorful, brilliant and dazzling, their body diamond shine, connect a piece, as if Heaven galaxy.
Time goes by, winter comes.
Why are you sitting here like an envelope without an address?
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.
Don't go out of your fantasy. Once the fantasy is gone, you may be able to keep it safe, but life will never be with you.
Young and pessimistic is the most tragic thing.
Years later, let you feel disappointed not is what you have done, but you haven't done a thing, so, please untie the rope and sail away from the safe harbor, throw set sail the sail. To explore, to dream, to discover!
Anger is an acid, which is more harmful to the container than it is for any contact with it.
Father Andrew also taught to give Tom a bit of Latin, teach him how to read and write, he can also teach the girls, but they were afraid of a friend ridicule, the ability of the bizarre and friends is not tolerate.